To each one of you, welcome to this page. No matter who you are, no matter where you’re at, no matter what you believe, no matter who you love, you belong here.
Virtual Worship Service
A Blessing for Our Space
Today we celebrate the creation of a new kind of space…we are standing at a threshold you could say, and maybe it feels like we are crossing over into something new and unknown… one that sees not just a church building as the center of our togetherness but one that extends out into our homes and community. We in a sense have three elements to our weekly gatherings… we have our building reopened as of today welcoming those back who feel ready to make such a return…we have those who will join us on Zoom from the comfort of their homes which has been our space since early April… and we also have those who have watched the posted videos over the course of their week and will continue to do so. I thought it would be fitting to take some time to consider this new creation and extend to it our blessing to this space which in effect blesses each one of us. So I’m going to invite you to look at your surroundings, what you call sanctuary at this moment… take a look around and what do you see… What is your blessing to us as a community as we embark on this new way of maintaining community in the midst of a pandemic?
May our space we share in our togetherness be blessed
May we feel one another’s presence in this shared setting of church, of home, of places of vacation and those of solitude
In real time, in livestreaming and in the recorded and the delayed.
May the experience be genuine and heartfelt
And the physical presence of this created space extend to friend and stranger alike
that the door of our hearts be open to all who seek community.
May the fullness of peace and joy embrace all who share this space
That joyful conversation and hearty laughter and a spirit of collaboration, the unmuting of our microphones and from behind our masked faces rest on all who are part of this space,
Through the uncertainty, may our steps be blessed and sure with the safety and wellbeing of this community our paramount achievement.
We bless this space with all names that are holy.
We pray for the following people
~ Kevin Thompson ~
~ Lynne Roming ~
~ Jean Hogue ~
~ Sandra & Roy ~
~ Gregg Faber ~
~ Shirley Byrns ~
~ Sandy Hebert ~
~ Jim and Sharon Taylor and family ~
~ Don & Bev Sawatzky and family ~
~ Lynn & Don Lemp ~
If you have a prayer request you would like shared publicly in our email newsletter and website, please contact Joan or a member of the Pastoral Care Committee (Fran Schultz or Sandy Bogardis). We will endeavor to respect the privacy of those named.