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Adopt-a-Family at Christmas

Writer's picture: wuc adminwuc admin

This Christmas, we would like to spread some joy and warmth to a local family who has experienced much loss and grief this past year.

If you would like to participate, we are accepting donations of money for services the family requires (payable to Winfield United) gift cards to grocery stores or local restaurants or any of the items listed below. We are hoping to have items and donations to the Church by this Friday, December 18th, but anything received after that date will be forwarded to the family. Baby items are available at Walmart and possibly Save On Foods. Thank you for your generous spirit this Christmas, and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Winfield United. Meals (gift cards/ coupons):

  • Save-on or IGA

  • Superstore

  • Costco (Kelowna)

  • GOGO Sushi

  • Dominos or Pizza Hut

  • A & W

Farm fresh free-range eggs (ongoing) If anyone has a hens or a connection, we use 2 - 3 dozen per week Diapers and wipes Cloth diapers will be utilized but at this moment, disposable are preferred. Brands are provided because of skin sensitivities:

  • Size 2-3T (Girl) Seventh generation OR Honest (brand) pullups/training pants

  • Size 1 Seventh generation OR Honest (brand) pullups/training pants

  • WIPES: Kirkland brand (Costco), Honest

Peace, Pastoral Care Team Winfield United Church



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