Reflecting on 20 Years of Worship and Service
By Rev. Rhonda Thorndale
Psalm 118
Matthew 7:24-27
Last Tuesday at coffee, Jim Taylor reminded me that October 31 would be the 20th anniversary of the completion of this building. So today we gather to celebrate a remarkable milestone of our church building. This sacred space has been a constant presence in so many lives - a symbol of hope, comfort, and community. As we reflect on the past, present, and future, may our memories inspire us, our achievements encourage us, and our aspirations guide us.
Remembering the Past
People often wonder why we are officially called Wood Lake Pastoral Charge and not Winfield United Church. Before the formation of the United Church of Canada in 1925, we were part of a group of little circuit churches which included Okanagan Landing, the Commonage, Okanagan Centre (which is presently the Centre's Community Hall,) Oyama (which is now the backbone of our fire departments building) and Winfield. This all started over 1908. Over the years, the Lake Country churches amalgamated as transportation improved and the little areas grew. Even today we still reference the 4 wards that make up Lake Country - Winfield, Carr’s Landing, Okanagan Centre and Oyama.
I am going to skip through the years to how this church came into being.
Originally, plans for a larger building started in 1992, when a vision committee was appointed. In 1993, we thought we had found the perfect spot at Chase Road and Glenmore Drive but that didn’t happen. Talks commenced with the Anglicans for a shared facility, and then the possibility of renovations on the old Berry Road building. That too was not possible as we were too close to Newene Road to relocate the driveway, fire requirements were not up to standard, and there was inadequate parking.
Our Matthew reading this morning talked about Jesus' words challenging us to build our lives, our community, and our ministry on the solid rock of his teachings. And we needed a bigger building to do that. We are called to be wise builders, grounding our faith in scripture, prayer, and service. At a frustrating time, that is what our faithful Vision Committee decided to do. In 2000, it was decided to explore in other options and cost of building.
We honor the people, past and present, who envisioned a vibrant, inclusive, and compassionate community of faith. Their courage, perseverance, and faith brought this building to life. We need to recall:
- The countless hours of planning, fundraising, and construction
- The sacrifices made by individuals and families
- The prayers, worship services, and rituals that consecrated this space to bring us to this place today.
We remember the early days:- The first worship service, baptism, or wedding- The formation of ministries, programs, and outreach initiatives- The growth of our congregation, with all its joys and challenges.
***What memories or experiences do you remember about this time? Kim will pass the mic.
Celebrating the Present
Over the past two decades, our church has become a beacon of hope:
- A sanctuary for the hurting, the lost, and the searching
- A hub for community service, advocacy, and social justice
- A gathering place for diverse individuals and families.
Today we celebrate:
- The lives transformed through worship, education, and friendship
- The relationships forged, nurtured, and sustained
- The impact of our outreach and mission efforts.
As Penny read in Psalm 118, we are reminded that our church is built on the cornerstone of God's love and faithfulness. There is so much to be thankful for in the past 20 years, especially when we think of all the God moments we have shared and experienced over that time and today.
God Moments…..
And another thing to think about…. How has our church impacted your life, and how have you contributed to its growth?
Embracing the Future
As we look to the next chapter, we recommit ourselves to:
1. Deepening our roots: Strengthening our connection to scripture, tradition, and our heritage.
2. Embracing diversity: Fostering inclusivity, equity, and compassion.
3. Fostering meaningful connections: Nurturing relationships, small groups, and community engagement.
4. Serving our neighbors: Expanding our outreach, advocacy, and social justice initiatives.
5. Welcoming warmly, the coming of our new minister, Traci Hubbard.
There will always be challenges and opportunities to, acknowledge the challenges:
- Changing demographics and societal trends
- Shifting spiritual landscapes and religious affiliations
- The ongoing struggle for justice, peace, and equality
Yet, we see opportunities:
- To innovate, adapt, and evolve
- To build bridges, partnerships, and collaborations
-To embody Christ's love, peace, and justice
So….As we celebrate 20 remarkable years, we:
- Give thanks for the past
-Honor the present
- Embrace the future
May our church continue to be:
- A sanctuary of peace in a chaotic world
- A catalyst for social justice and compassion
- A testament to the enduring power of faith and love
In closing I want to leave you with two questions to ponder, remembering too, this is our building that we are honouring today, but our true community of faith is the people, every one of you.
What dreams or visions do you have for the future of our church and its ministry?
How can we deepen our roots, embrace diversity, foster meaningful connections, and serve our neighbors?
Gracious God, we give thanks for the gift of this church building and the community it represents. May this anniversary celebration inspire us to deepen our faith, broaden our reach, and shine your light in a world that needs it. Amen.