About us
Well, there are a lot of people who would like to have a community that could be a ‘spiritual home’, but they think they have to subscribe to a set of beliefs to belong to a church. We are a community of seekers whose beliefs and understandings are constantly evolving. We think it’s more important to live the questions together than to have once-and-for-all answers.
We see no contradiction, for example, between science and religion. We don’t believe the world was literally created in six days. We do believe that evolution is a primary mechanism by which divine creative power is expressed. We consider the Bible as a set of stories, written in a time, for a time, to be used as a guide.
Jesus never said that we had to believe a certain set of propositions in order to be a part of God’s realm or kin-dom. Rather he invited and challenged people into a new way of seeing and a new way of living in harmony with God. It was a spiritual path, not a set of "correct" beliefs.
Are there some beliefs that are central to us?
We are a Christian church, so the one thing we have in common is a belief in the Divine Presence and the great spiritual teacher we know as Jesus. Though we may understand him differently, and our goal is to understand his teachings and to follow him.
​We want you to ask questions, bring your doubts,
and explore your beliefs with others without judgement...

How do I know if I will be welcomed?
Every Sunday, our "Words of Welcome" includes the statement: No matter who you are, no matter what you believe, no matter who you love, no matter your journey, you are welcome here. We are in the process of becoming an Affirming congregation within the United Church of Canada.
Winfield United Church accepts you
for who and what you are.
Do I have to leave my "thinking cap" at the door?
Lots of people today are looking a leader that is someone to accompany them on their personal, spiritual journey, someone to help point the way, but not do their thinking for them. They want to ask questions and find answers that may lead to even more questions. We believe that is how faith matures and grows. That’s the kind of leadership we believe in too!
We are all on a spiritual journey;
let us grow your spiritual life with you,